Now is possible for pages to join Facebook Groups

Woop Social
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2018

Facebook’s new update is incredibly useful for social media marketers because now the social network is allowing some pages to join Facebook groups, what means interacting and commenting on those groups as a business page.

Here’s a small Facebook update that’ll no doubt be of interest to social media marketers — Facebook is now allowing some Pages to join Facebook groups, and comment and interact within them as a business Page. Awesome right?

Picture from

This option was spotted by Facebook marketing expert Mari Smith, and it is with no doubt another way for businesses to interact deeply with their public, but it’s also one way for some of their losses in Facebook reach as a result of the platform’s algorithm.

The ‘Allow Pages to request to join as group members’ is active by default, so unless a group admin has chosen not to let Pages join, Pages included in the test pool should be able to join most groups.

The option is an opportunity for brands to get involved in relevant communities, and reinforce your brand expertize, helping to make business pages more recognizable in its respective field. It’s another interesting thing on the social network for Facebook marketers, and another option to help generate more attention for your business.

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