When is the best time to post on social media?

Woop Social
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2018

There is some sort of tradition among social media studies to try to figure out what is the “best time” to post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and almost every other marketing channel. These studies are potentially useful in pointing out, in general, which moments may be more propitious. However, with a closer look, it can be seen that studies usually reveal different moments between them, based on completely different data and dynamics.

You have to keep in mind that targeting and paying attention to specific audiences has become increasingly important.

The best time to post then depends on a number of factors that are characteristic of the market-oriented audience. Questions like “What is the location of the target audience? When are they online? Are you sponsoring your post? What are the habits of your consumers when connected? “Are very relevant in this analysis. The idea here is to reverse the conversation and say that there is not specifically a “best universal moment to post”. The focus is actually on when is the best time for your brand to post.

There is more content shared on Facebook than anyone could consume, and as such, the Facebook news feed algorithm helps determine what is shown each time we open Facebook.

In his Business blog, VP of Technology and Advertising Facebook, Brian Boland explains:

“On average, there are 1,500 stories that can appear in a person’s News Feed every time they join Facebook. For people with many friends and tanned pages, there are up to 15,000 potential stories that can appear the moment the person starts the session “

As a result, competition in News Feed is increasing, and it is getting harder for anyone to gain exposure. It is important then to look at the factors that can highlight your publication in the timeline of the right audience, understanding what your primetime is really. For this, two approaches are very important. One involves directly analyzing the data of your audience, and the other is about relevancy, about the right timing to be part of a conversation.

Discovering through numbers when is your audience online or interacting more can be very simple. Woop’s reports present data on the times and days of the week with more fans of the page online, as well as specifying the times when the publications have achieved more reach.

When it comes to relevance, the analysis needs to be a bit more intuitive. You need to think about when, exactly, the content you are going to share may be relevant to the target. If you work in the sports market for example and will advertise on television during the interval of games, it is probably interesting to interact on social media at these times, as part of second screen conversations. It is necessary to unite the intuition and the power of numbers to find the best time, creating a positive impact.

If you want to manage a successful brand on Facebook, your content will be the most important factor. It’s not so much about timing. It is certainly important to know the right time to establish conversations, but if the content itself is not relevant, there is no point in studying the best moments to impact the target. To a large extent, success in social media is directly linked to the strength of content.

Finally, it is important to have a tool to trust when analyzing your data and organizing the workflow. Woop gives you access to full reports of your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin accounts from $10/month! With that you can measure which pieces of your content audience is responding to. Besides, it helps you organizing your content, scheduling for the most popular social networks from a single compose box.

