Navigating the Complexities of Web3 & Raw Blockchain Development: Essential Skills and Pain Points

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4 min readJul 6, 2023

As the blockchain industry continues to grow and evolve, it’s essential that developers stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices to succeed. Web3 and Blockchain Development is a complex field that requires a diverse set of skills and knowledge, so in this blog, we’ll explore some of the essential skills and common pain points of developers in the space.

Essential Skills for Raw Blockchain Development

To be a successful developer directly on blockchains, you should have a fundamental understanding of:

  • Cryptography and distributed systems
  • Programming languages like Solidity, Rust, and Noir, as well as classic languages like Java, JavaScript, Python, and C++
  • The legal and regulatory environment surrounding blockchain technology
  • Consensus algorithms, UTXOs, and account/balance
  • Core blockchain development and smart contracts

Security and Cryptography Skills

Blockchain engineers should also be familiar with the following security and cryptography skills:

  • Cryptographic hash functions, digital signatures, and encryption techniques
  • Security standards and protocols such as SSL/TLS, OAuth, and OpenID

Peer-to-Peer Networks

Since blockchain technology is dependent on decentralized peer-to-peer networks, engineers should understand:

  • Nodes and how they help establish blockchain consensus and protect against security issues like the Byzantine Fault Tolerance.
  • Strengths and weaknesses of each P2P network, as there are now hundreds of different blockchains in the space.

Pain Points of Blockchain Development

When the essential skills above are put to the test in the industry, they often lead to common pain points. Adopting many of these skills can become much easier with tools like Weavechain, which allow developers to use functions they already know to execute work without educational overload.

Interacting with Core Protocols / Backend Development

The need for the essential skills for Web3 development listed above becomes apparent while building against a core protocol (ex. Ethereum, Solana, etc). In addition to the necessary understanding of distributed systems programming and cryptography, the number of different protocols and languages used to interact with these core protocols is much greater than with traditional development environments.

Weavechain simplifies the blockchain development experience for traditional full-stack engineers by handling all interaction with core protocols, so developers don’t need to worry about raw smart contract development. They can just build their app in their preferred programming language like Java, Python, or C#. This is especially useful for backend development, where it’s difficult to find developers with proficiency in languages like Golang or Rust and experience with infrastructure, devops, integrations, and working alongside core developers.

Security Research

Security is a critical aspect of Web3 and Blockchain Development. Blockchain engineers must be able to write secure code and ensure that their applications are resistant to attacks. Blockchain security mechanisms and a deep understanding of cryptography are paramount in the Web3, Blockchain, and Crypto spaces where $3.8 billion dollars were stolen in Crypto hacks last year alone. Paying for audits is standard in the industry to avoid catastrophic errors and attack vectors. Reducing what’s happening in smart contracts can minimize the heightened risks of attacks in Web3. Weavechain handles smart contract logic and bridging to help further this end, and additionally lets developers securely store data on-prem for maximum security.


Finally, choosing the right tools can be a significant pain point for Web3 developers. Questions like “Amazon or Heroku?” and “Which framework, Truffle, Hard Hat, or Brownie?” can be challenging to answer. And development environment aside, choosing what blockchain you’re deploying your application on is a deep architectural decision that is hard to revert later. With all of the uncertainties in the space and unknowns about which tools will be around in five years, deciding to work with a tool can feel like a game of Roulette. Weavechain works to minimize the stress of these decisions by letting software engineers continue building in precisely the environments they know and love, with the Weavechain node acting as middleware to all of the complexity of Web3. This means that from a technological perspective, migrating in case of architectural challenges will not impact the core codebase.

What’s next?

Looking to the future, blockchain development will continue to play a crucial role in shaping various industries, from finance to supply chain management, healthcare, and beyond. The potential for innovation and disruption is immense, and as the industry continues to grow and evolve, it’s important for full-stack software engineers to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices as the core builders behind technological innovation.

Navigating the complexities of Web3 and Blockchain Development doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right skills and tools, developers can unlock the incredible opportunities that blockchain technology offers. Pain points such as interacting with core protocols, security research, and choosing the right tools can be addressed with the help of tools like Weavechain, which simplify the development process and provide a seamless experience for full-stack engineers.

At Weavechain, we are excited to support builders in making the future brighter through blockchain development. Whether you have questions or need assistance, we are here to help. Reach out to us and let us know how we can support you on your Web3 journey. Together, we can unlock the full potential of blockchain technology and create a better future. You’re warmly invited to:

