Yes: You Can Bond with a Fish as a Pet

I call my Betta fish “my child”. He is even in a bit of a teenager stage…

Jess the Avocado
Fish and Chips


All photos by author

Timothy is yesnodunno’s and my son. Much like other couples, we scoured the various adoption places/shops for a bond so unusually strong to find the one we could finally adopt into our little family unit. We paid for him, signed a verbal waiver and agreement stating that we were fully equipped to raise him, and any injuries sustained or death are utterly our own responsibility, bagged him up, making sure to leave enough oxygen in his little plastic baggy, and left promptly for home.

We tried our hardest not to shake his baggy too much, holding him securely, close to our chest, and made our way home. We acclimatised Timothy into his new home, making sure to give him words of affirmations and give him his time to explore his new home fully before giving him his first meal in his new home.


Don’t come here and tell me I cannot understand how much you bonded with your Shiba Inu!

Fishes are pets, and they love…or hate you. In fact, they deserve more than they get from society. Cats and dogs alike are often left into people’s care only after documents have been signed, and things have been taught. What is this with fish?

