Digital Community Fueled by Ai and Ownership Instead of NFTs for Creators

“From NFTs to Digital Ownership: Empowering Creators in the Creator Economy”

The stigma and bias towards NFTs in the creator community are complex and multifaceted. Still, it can be broken down into several key factors.
Firstly, there needs to be more understanding among many creators about what NFTs are and how they work. This can lead to misconceptions and misinformation about NFTs, contributing to negative attitudes and reluctance to explore this new technology.

Secondly, there is a perception among some creators that NFTs are primarily associated with hype and speculation rather than genuine artistic or cultural value. This can lead to cynicism and skepticism among creators, who may view NFTs as a passing fad rather than a legitimate means of monetizing their work.

Thirdly, there is a broader cultural and social context in which NFTs are situated, including concerns around environmental impact, elitism, and exclusivity. These issues can contribute to alienation or exclusion among creators who feel that NFTs do not align with their values or priorities.

To address these challenges and rebrand NFTs as the future key to establishing community ownership online and monetizing content, it is essential to focus on the potential benefits of this technology, such as digital community ownership, provenance tracking, and new models for revenue generation.

Creators need to be educated about what NFTs are and how they can be used and encouraged to experiment with this new technology to align with their values and priorities. At the same time, efforts must be made to address broader cultural concerns around elitism and exclusivity and to ensure that NFTs are seen as a tool for community building and empowerment rather than as a means of reinforcing existing power structures.

Digital ownership in the community can transform how online communities are built and scaled for creators in Web 3.0 and beyond.
One of the key advantages of digital ownership is that it allows creators to have greater control over their work and online presence. By using NFTs, creators can create unique digital assets that they verifiably own and that can be traded or sold on various platforms. This allows creators to monetize their work in new ways, giving them more autonomy over their creative output.

Digital ownership can also create more transparent and equitable systems for community building. By using blockchain technology, creators can create decentralized networks that any one entity or organization does not control. This can help level the playing field and reduce the power dynamics often in traditional social media platforms.

By creating unique and valuable digital assets, creators can incentivize their audience to participate in their community and contribute to their success. This can lead to more loyal and dedicated fans and a more profound connection between creators and their audiences. In addition, digital ownership can foster more substantial and engaged communities around a creator’s work.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to play a significant role in the digital ownership future of community building within Web 3.0. With the increasing amount of data generated by online communities, AI can help creators and community managers make sense of this data and extract insights to inform their decision-making.

For example, AI-powered analytics tools can help creators understand their audience’s behavior and preferences, identify trends and patterns in engagement, and optimize their content and community strategy accordingly. AI can also assist in detecting and addressing content moderation, spam, and fraud issues, which can be a challenge in large and decentralized online communities.

In addition, AI can help facilitate more personalized and immersive experiences for community members. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, creators can create personalized content recommendations and experiences for their audience based on their interests and behaviors. This can help build stronger and more dynamic relationships between creators and their audiences and create more value for everyone involved.

Overall, digital ownership in the community has the potential to create more sustainable and empowering models for online community building and monetization. By leveraging the benefits of blockchain technology, creators can create more equitable and decentralized systems that benefit both themselves and their audience.

One example of digital ownership in the sense of “rising tides lifts all boats” is the concept of a creator economy. In this model, creators can own and monetize digital content directly without relying on traditional intermediaries like publishers, record labels, or social media platforms. This allows creators to retain a larger share of the revenue generated by their work and creates opportunities for other community members to benefit.

For example, creators can use blockchain-based platforms like Rarible or OpenSea to create and sell NFTs representing their digital art or other content. These NFTs can then be traded on secondary markets, creating new opportunities for collectors, investors, and other community members to participate in the creator’s success. In this way, the creator’s rising win can lift the entire community’s success as more people become interested and invested in the creator’s work.

Another example of digital ownership in the sense of community success is the concept of DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations). DAOs are community-owned and operated organizations governed by smart contracts on a blockchain. They can be used for various purposes, from funding public goods to organizing collective action around a particular cause.

In a DAO, ownership is distributed among the community members, who can participate in decision-making and governance through a voting system. This creates a more equitable and democratic model for community ownership and allows for greater transparency and accountability in allocating resources and making decisions.

Overall, these examples demonstrate the potential for digital ownership to create more sustainable and equitable models for community building and monetization. By leveraging blockchain technology and other decentralized tools, communities can create new opportunities for participation and ownership and build more resilient and empowered ecosystems for the long term.

While the term NFTs may carry some stigma and bias, it’s essential to look beyond the buzzword and understand the transformative potential of digital ownership for creators building online communities. By leveraging blockchain technology and other decentralized tools, creators can create more equitable, transparent, and engaged communities that benefit themselves and their audience.

Digital ownership will foster greater autonomy and control over creative output, create new revenue streams, and incentivize audience participation. As we move towards a more decentralized and community-driven Web 3.0, creators must embrace the potential of digital ownership to build sustainable and empowered ecosystems for the long term.



Brian Fanzo | Digital Futurist, Speaker, Ai Artist
Futurist Mindset

Digital Futurist — Keynote Speaker — Host of NFT 365 the first Daily NFT podcast, Creator of the ADHD Coin, ADHD SuperPowered Girl Dad and Pittsburgh Sports Fan