85% of your customers are online, Are You ?

Vignesh Wadarajan
Web Applications
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2014

If you want to know how smartphones are changing the world, just look at Asia. Users in the region are more likely to use smartphones to get online, rather than computers. Singapore and South Korea boast the highest smartphone adoption in the world, at 85 percent and 80 percent respectively.

In Singapore, it’s also not just mobile phones — an average user has at least 3.3 connected devices, one of the highest in the world. Interestingly, besides surfing the web, Singaporeans mostly use their phones to take photos.
(Source: http://www.cnet.com/news/singapore-has-the-highest-smartphone-adoption-in-the-world/ )

I have received this remark or sometime a question: “My business doesnt really rely on the internet” , “Does my business even need a website ?” Well as much as I can educate everyone around me about the importance of it, I think the stats clearly has it drawn out. If 85% adoption rate isn't facinating, i dont know what is.

If you are in business, you must have a website. Period. Now i would like to validate myself on this one as well. When I say a website, its responsive, and provides the right content when and where your users would expect it. In other words, a website thats built with the users in mind.

It doesnt matter if you are in the plumbing business or in a fast selling consumer product industry. It doesnt even matter if you can sell your product or service online, its just a matter about getting found by your customers. If you do a reasonably good job, you get word of mouth. If you impress, you get a word of mouth and a social media shoutout.

With a simple website, a facebook page to connect with your fans and customers and perhaps other complimentary social media platforms like pinterest, instagram and twitter. You will be able to reach out to your customers like never before. Sharing a promotion, viewing analytics on receptivity, getting a feedback are all so possible with a website that your customers can visit.

When you have decided to have a website, there are few consideration that you must look into.
1) The web design and development team: Are they able to handle my project, are they able to give me the support i need, are they contributing with ideas to further improve my website.
2) Is the website scalable with more features? Do I need a Content Management System? Do I need a shopping cart feature?
3) How are customers going to find out about my website? How am I going to integrate the promotion of my product/service with my website to gain traction?

Hope this article has been useful, if you liked it, share it ☺

If you would like to share your thoughts or perhaps talk about your project. You can send an email to sales@jankosoft.com. www.jankosoft.com

