Crafting an Engaging Homepage

web design by solodev
4 min readNov 1, 2016

Designing your home page can make or break your success online. Some home pages are filled with too much content or are too difficult to navigate or the design is circa 2001. It’s this balance between the need to present an overview of content and a way to engage your website visitor that ultimately drives much of the frustration in creating an effective homepage.

It’s helpful to think of your homepage as merely a collection of different sections each with a specific content subject. Within these sections, it’s key to have your content highly focused and with accompanying call-to-actions links.

This tutorial provides a modern yet simple homepage design you can make your own. Below is the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript required.

Step 1 — homepage.html

Add the HTML below to your web page

<div class="jumbotron">
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A key concept that is reinforced with the above html is the clear distinction between the different sections. As a visitor scrolls the page, they are presented with more information which all cumulates in an effective call-to-action.

Step 2 — homepage.css

Download the CSS below and include it in your web page


Step 3 — Add the includes below to your web page

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="homepage.css">

When building sites, we tend to start with the homepage because it will clearly be the most visible portion of a site. Because of this importance, it’s necessary to give a great deal of thought and planning into the page itself.

In this article, Solodev showed you how to craft a sleek, modern homepage. Customize the homepage with some HTML and CSS, add a Header/Footer, and make it your own!

Demo on JSFiddle

Download from GitHub

Originally Posted on the Solodev Web Design Blog

Brought to you by the Solodev Team. Solodev is a cloud-based web content management system that empowers users with the freedom to bring amazing web designs to life.



web design by solodev

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