Designing an Interactive Map using JavaScript

web design by solodev
3 min readMar 9, 2017

Maps are a great way to leverage your website to drive traffic to your doors. A majority of maps simply show the locations of a given entity as well as an address without any further context or interactivity. In our example, we’ve designed a map that displays locations you can learn more about by clicking on the location. Clicking on the location triggers a popup with further information related to that specific location. You can add any information you’d like to these popups that make the most sense for your business. Enjoy!

Below is the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript required.

Step 1 — interactive-map.html

Copy and paste the code below into interactive-map.html

<div class="container" >
<div class="row ct-u-padding-bottom-40" >
<div class="col-lg-6 col-lg-push-6 col-md-7 col-md-push-5" >
<div class="ct-map" >
<img alt="Map" class="ct-map__image" src="" >
<div class="ct-city stone" >
<button class="ct-city__button" type="button" tabindex="0" ><img alt="Map Open Icon" class="ct-plus" src="" data-pin-nopin="true"><img alt="Map Close Icon" class="ct-close" src="" data-pin-nopin="true" ><span class="ct-city__name" >Headquarters</span></button>
<div class="ct-popup" >
<div class="inner" >
<span class="ct-popup__name" >HQ</span>
<p class="ct-popup__content" >
Corporate Headquarters<br />at 1400 N. Magnolia.
<div class="ct-city orlando">
<button class="ct-city__button" type="button" tabindex="0" ><img alt="Map Open Icon" class="ct-plus" src="" data-pin-nopin="true"><img alt="Map Close Icon" class="ct-close" src="" data-pin-nopin="true"><span class="ct-city__name" >Local Office</span></button>
<div class="ct-popup" >
<div class="inner" >
<span class="ct-popup__name" >Local</span>
<p class="ct-popup__content" >
Your local WebCorpCo office.
<div class="ct-city orlando2" >
<button class="ct-city__button" type="button" tabindex="0" ><img alt="Map Open Icon" class="ct-plus" src="" data-pin-nopin="true"><img alt="Map Close Icon" class="ct-close" src="" ><span class="ct-city__name" >Regional Office</span></button>
<div class="ct-popup" >
<div class="inner" >
<span class="ct-popup__name" >Regional</span>
<p class="ct-popup__content" >
Regional Headquarters<br />at 435 Curson Ave.
<div class="col-lg-6 col-lg-pull-6 col-md-5 col-md-pull-7" >
<div class="ct-content" >
<h2 class="ct-section-header text-left" >
Our Locations<small >Just Around the Corner</small>
<br >
<br >
<ul class="list-unstyled" >
<li >Meet with a WebCorpCo Specialist anywhere, anytime
<li >Local, regional, and national data centers
<li >Compute storage ranging from $5k-$25k
<li >Amazing customer service from WebCorpCo Success Team
<li >Free Parking and Snacks
<li >Pool, Gym, and Jacuzzi at all locations
<a class="btn btn-motive" href="#" tabindex="0" >Learn More</a>

Step 2 — interactive-map.css

Download the CSS below and include it in your web page


Step 3 — interactive-map.js

Copy and paste the code below into interactive-map.js

$(document).ready(function() {
var city, map;
map = $('.ct-map');
city = map.find('.ct-city');
city.each(function() {
var button, that;
that = $(this);
button = that.find('.ct-city__button');
return button.on('click', function() {
if (that.hasClass('active')) {
return map.removeClass('popup-open');
} else {
return map.addClass('popup-open');

Step 4 — Add the includes below to your web page

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="interactive-map.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="interactive-map.js"></script>

In this tutorial we showed you how to add interactivity to your maps using JavaScript to create location-based informational popups. Now you can customize the design and make it your own!

Demo on JSFiddle

Download from GitHub

Originally posted on the Solodev Web Design Blog

Brought to you by the Solodev Team. Solodev is a cloud-based web content management system that empowers users with the freedom to bring amazing web designs to life.



web design by solodev

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