What Should a Failing Online Business Do?

Web Design & Online Marketing
5 min readAug 27, 2020

Starting your own business is something that almost everyone has considered or hoped to do during their lifetime. And the few that try, will most likely fail. Starting any business can be very difficult, and online businesses are not any different. Nearly 90% of all new online businesses will fail within the first months of starting. That number is crazy to think about when you see how many online businesses there actually are. Imagine all the websites that didn’t make it.

While you may think your business may be different, there’s a good chance you could run into some of the same problems they face. There are many things you can do to improve your business in the online world, whether that be better marketing, better website design, or even just better product description. So whether your business is starting to fail or you are just taking precautions, this blog is here to show you how to fix or prevent your online business from failing.

So whether your business is starting to fail or you are just taking precautions, this blog is here to show you how to fix or prevent your online business from failing.

Web Design

While you may think your online business doesn’t need any improvements, there is almost always something you can do to improve it. Some of the best ways you can improve the online aspects of your business are actually some of the simplest changes to make. Besides the title of the page, your business’ webpage is one of the first things people will see. With the homepage being the first thing someone sees, the website’s design should be a big focus when it comes to saving your business. The overall web design should be appealing to the user, but not so appealing that it drags the user’s attention from the actual product. Most of the time, it is good to keep things nice and simple. Simple designs can be some of the best out there. If there is too much going on on a webpage, it can overwhelm the user and drag their attention from the product, which is the exact opposite of what we want to do.

Online Marketing

The next tip is something that many people overlook when it comes to a successful online business. Online Marketing. The industry is still relatively new and is growing constantly, which allows room for so many opportunities. With the millions of websites out there, there is so much potential space for advertisement. Almost every major company spends millions on online advertisements alone, so what’s stopping you from doing the same? You might say it costs too much but it’s a lot cheaper than you might think. Facebook is one of the biggest opportunities when it comes to advertising online, and it can average only $200-$300 a day or about $1.72 per click. That might seem like very little to some and a lot to others, but in reality, the amount of “impressions” or views you will get is astronomical compared to almost any other type of advertisement.

So whether your business is starting to fail or you are just taking precautions, this blog is here to show you how to fix or prevent your online business from failing.


One of the most common reasons for an online business failing is the fact that there is just too much competition. While it’s important to have a unique business model, it’s also very helpful to look at what has worked for your competitors, and what hasn’t. Use your competitors to your advantage. If one business model clearly works and the other doesn’t why use the one that doesn’t work? And this doesn’t mean you can’t use unique models, just take the ones that work into account in order to learn from them.

So whether your business is starting to fail or you are just taking precautions, this blog is here to show you how to fix or prevent your online business from failing.

What is your business identity?

One of the most important things you can do to help your business is to define your business identity. Determine what your business is supposed to accomplish. What your business was built around. What you are passionate about. Once you have that identity, you can use it to set goals for your business. These goals can be almost anything, the important thing is just to set the goals for your business. These goals will help your business have something to work and strive for. Make sure to have some goals that are easy to attain and some that are harder. If there are goals that are too hard to attain, then you and your team won’t feel like you’re achieving anything and not moving forward. Having goals that are both easy to attain and harder to attain will keep the motivation for improvement high.

So whether your business is starting to fail or you are just taking precautions, this blog is here to show you how to fix or prevent your online business from failing.

Search Engine Optimization

A crucial factor when it comes to making sure your online business does well is making sure your website has SEO or search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is essential in allowing your website to be found by potential customers. Using the right keywords in your website will let search engines boost your website to the top. If you use search engine optimization correctly, your website can almost always be at the top when customers search-related words. Search engine optimization can be the difference between a successful online business, and a failing one.

Maintaining Your Website

Once you have your website up and running, it’s easy to leave it up and forget about it. But your website will regularly need upkeep. Without maintenance, your website could be lacking in SEO, causing lower search results, which will allow your competitors to get an advantage over you. Keeping your website up-to-date is crucial to keeping your website at the top, and business flowing in.

Owning and managing your own business can be very difficult. It can be even more difficult to accept the fact that your business might be failing, even if there are many signs that point to it. With the use of the internet, the possibilities for your business to succeed is always there, you just have to know how to use it. There are all kinds of kinds for almost anything you can think of on the internet. Whether it be better website design, better marketing, or even just managing your business, there is someone out there who knows how to help your business.



Web Design & Online Marketing

A Seattle web design and online marketing agency that delivers high-end websites. A passion for web development and SEO.