10 Ways Government Agencies Can Make Constituents Proud of Their Work

Photo adapted from “United States Capitol” by Robert (Flickr, Public domain).

The primary assumption behind this article is that, if you’re a government agency or other type of public sector office, the public probably feels some frustration with you. Hey, don’t shoot the messenger here; I’m just a marketing guy trying to help, not the cause of your troubles. (Besides, I’m joking around here a bit, so don’t take it all too seriously).

In any case, there’s no way I can change the things they find frustrating about working with government entities (e.g., taxation, bureaucracy, inconvenience, etc.). But, maybe I can make things at least a little easier. You see, I’ve made a list of the most essential elements that a governmental web site should have. Let’s take a look at the list, and then I’ll discuss what’s on it and what isn’t.

10 Most Important Web Site Elements for Governments and Public Sector Entities

  • CMS / site infrastructure / hosting setup
  • Responsive design
  • Accessibility (e.g., catering to ADA, etc.)
  • Proper disclosures and compliance
  • Privacy policy and terms of service
  • Clear policy and service information
  • Contact information

