12 Guaranteed Ways To Attract Better Web Site Traffic
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7 min readMay 17, 2017
People ask me all the time: “How can I drive traffic to my site?” Well, there are many, many ways. Here are a dozen, off the top of my head — just the basics, really, as well as a few bonus items at the end. Enjoy the list… :-)
- Do something at least mildly interesting. SEO is tough enough for already-interesting sites, let lone optimizing for something with no sizzle. If you’re in a field like insurance or something, then you’ll have to make things sizzle or no one will show up (or they’ll show up but then leave quickly, and they certainly won’t share your site on social media). At a minimum, at least have a site that’s good looking — nice design, good pics, mobile-friendly (important!), etc. — but some edginess and/or innovation goes a long way to generate interest.
- Have the correct infrastructure on your site for SEO. URLs should be keyword-loaded, short, and easy to read. Stay away from URLs that rely on parameters like “&articleID=23445” to generate main content. Read up on ALL of the important on-site SEO infrastructure aspects. (domain name considerations, meta tags, schema.org / rich text, *full* social media integration, fast pageload speeds, etc.). Invest in this infrastructure a good bit via a very SEO-aware web development company. (Note: This is a nuanced point, though… While it can be argued that SEO-type URLs are…