NFTs, NFT Team Management, Marketing

A Closer Look at Winter for Credit Card Processing for NFT Minting Applications

Documenting my workings lately for integrating CC payments on client NFT minting applications. There are some really slick solutions!

Photo by Stephen Phillips - on Unsplash

I spent quite a long time talking about Crossmint in my previous article. And, to be honest, after looking at a bunch of solutions, there are only really TWO that I really like for NFT drops: Crossmint and Winter. Both are solid companies and I would recommend that devs and teams look into both of them, as they’re both pretty great and customizable for your apps.

Today, though, I want to review my experiences with Winter, which had a few more rigid requirements than Crossmint, but also had a few qualities that my team found appealing. For one major example, the credit limit with Winter is higher than Crossmint’s (as of this writing, anyway). And, while NFT teams don’t always expect whales to stop by, most teams would welcome any that did. So, those higher limits mean something in the NFT world.

Anyway, let me go over my preliminary app, and I’ll touch on some Winter-specific points. So, my initial app design (for a really great coming drop that you’ll see featured) looks like this:

