NFTs, Fashion, Investing, Flipping

A Quick Look at the Fascinating C-01 NFT Drop Coming Up on Jan 14

250k members. Design + Fashion = a meteoric rise in popularity!

The C-01 NFT drop is a collab between Gilberto Zaragoza, a master sculptor and 3D concept artist with experience at Warner Bros, Disney’s Marvel, Netflix — and Luis Monteiro, a French fashion designer with experience at Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, and Chloé. So, perhaps much of the unprecedented hype around this drop stems from the reputations of these two deeply experienced individuals.

Wow, here we are just four days into 2022 and, if you’ve been offline for just a few days, you could have literally missed what’s shaping up as one of the larger NFT drops (as measured by the size of the supporting community) EVER. I’m speaking of the C-01 NFT project, which came online not even a week ago and somehow has managed to hit the limit on Discord already — amassing a whopping 250,000 members.

  • I’d point you to their web site (here), but there’s barely anything on it.
  • I’d point you to their Twitter feed (here), but it looks like they’ve tweeted maybe five times.
  • I’d point you to their Insta (here), but they’ve posted just 6 pics.
  • And, as I said, I’d point you to their Discord (here), but … I guess it’s full. (Did anyone even know Discord servers had member limits?! Well, I didn’t anyway.)

Frankly, I have zero idea how anyone could casually stroll onto a scene with zero web site, five tweets, and six Instagram pics, and rocket into the stratosphere so quickly. Even when fairly big NFT / Crypto whales attach themselves to a project, it tends to take at…

