NFTs, Investing, Fixing Old Wrongs

An Open Letter to the “Bad Vegan,” Sarma Melngailis: Here’s a Legit Way to Get Your Restaurant Back

And / or to raise funds to begin paying back those harmed.

Dear Sarma-

You don’t know me, but I’d wager we have hundreds of friends in common. That’s because, prior to my being in tech, my wife Wendi ran a popular raw foods web site called Pure Jeevan from 2006–2010. (It’s still there, even if it’s not been updated in a decade.)

I thought Wendi was crazy with all of the raw food stuff — and resisted it for a long time. In fact, the way she finally won me over was by leaving a copy of Raw Food, Real World out on the table. And our lives changed forever from there. Together we lost 170 pounds combined and went on to educate and help others all over the world do the same.

Fast-forward a decade and Wendi and I are once again on the forefront of something new and exciting and have gained financial freedom. Instead of it being raw foods, though, it’s NFTs (non-fungible tokens). And we’re doing the same thing as when we learned about raw foods — educating others all over the world (and helping them become financially independent).

