NFTs, NFT Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Generative NFTs

Announcing an Affiliate Program for Generative NFT Drops — Web2 Marketing Ported to Web3, Finally!

Read on for full details on our innovative GenNFTs Affiliate Program that brings transparency, accountability, and responsibility to the NFT space via affiliate commissions directly on NFT smart contracts!

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Note: The following is lengthy but groundbreaking, innovative, and important for the NFT space! That said, if you’re in the TLDR crowd, I’ve posted a highly condensed version of the article below, available here (also on Medium).🙏🏻

The concept of transparency is absolutely fundamental to the web3 technology employed by cryptocurrencies. The entire ecosystem is built using publicly viewable blockchains, which are literally ledgers of information and transactions that take place over time. The code is immutable and audit trails are generally accessible and available for anyone to inspect anytime.

And yet in the NFT space, it’s not uncommon to hear negative discussions about various influencers, especially regarding what they got paid for their services. Or similarly, it’s not uncommon for smaller projects to pay supposed influencers for help in building community and followers, only for those influencers to…

