NFTs, Art

Any Digital Illustrators Want to Collab on a Free Mint NFT Project? And Yes, It’ll Be Kinda-Sorta an Ape Derivative

I have an idea, but I’m not a good enough artist to pull it off.

Photo by JAM on Unsplash. No idea what this is (a mural, I assume), but I found the art super interesting!

Are you an illustrator who: (1) is interested in doing something in the NFT space — namely a 5,000+ generative NFT set, and (2) has some extra bandwidth for doing a project completely on spec (meaning, neither of us get paid unless we’re successful)? If so, I have an idea that I think might be worth trying, and I don’t think it would be too terribly difficult for the right illustrator. Here are the details:

  • I envision this as a FREEMINT project on Ethereum, which means that people will be able to mint NFTs from this collection for free (plus gas, of course).
  • While we will not gain any ETH from the mint itself, what we will do to compensate ourselves is to enter the contract address on OpenSea and LooksRare as the royalty address. That way, the contract will accrue royalty payments, and we can have a payment splitter built into the contract with a 50/50 split hard-coded to my wallet and yours.
  • I’ll pay for the smart contract deployment (which is fairly small, so no biggie), and I’ll code the smart contract and minting application.

