Why Most Business “Awards” Are a Scam, Preying on Pride

Photo adapted from “2015 Stevie Awards 0215” by mikeg44311 (Flickr, Creative Commons).

Years ago, one of my clients used to pridefully boast that he’d been recognized as one of the top consultants in his field. Here’s how that sort of thing usually transpires:

  • First, you get a letter and/or a call with the exciting news — you’ve been selected!
  • The letter goes on to say that only a small percentage of people in your field have been so recognized.
  • As a result, your company is going to be listed in a published source (usually a business magazine).
  • The listing is free!
  • But… “Why not hype the honor?” they ask.

Following that last question, the mark (and I use that term because that’s what con artists call their targets) is presented with a wide array of marketing opportunities — numerous advertising upsells in the publication where the list will appear, marketing slicks that the mark can order and send to clients, and of course wall plaques ranging from simple to ostentatious.

As a marketer for a client like this, this is the sort of thing where you bang your head off the desk… Try and get the client to do a strategic, planned campaign and you get the third degree; stroke their ego with a bogus made-up award, and they’ll happily drop seven grand out of the blue on a whole marketing…

