NFTs, NFT Projects, NFT Team Management, Marketing

Bringing New Users into the Web3 / NFT Space Is Clearly Essential. But How?

It’s something every team I’ve worked with in the past six months has mentioned.

Photo by Kristina Paparo on Unsplash

You know, even though “we need new people” is such a universally uttered observation in web3, it’s actually a quirky and complex topic. And especially now as we’re still sitting in this crypto bear market, which itself is playing games with everyone.

It sure seems like so much has quieted down in the NFT space, and that there’s “no liquidity” anywhere. Until, of course, some influencer or alpha group decides to drop a generative set, and then all of a sudden power users have unlimited ETH to spend once again.

So, is there indeed plenty of liquidity, but buyers are simply spooked? (Yes!) Are they tired of PFP projects? (Some are, some aren’t!) Will a bull run return? (Probably!) Will some other phenomenon or “meta” in the space reinvigorate the markets sometime soon? (Probably!)

Regardless, the NFT space will indeed power forward, one way or another. (IMHO.) But yeah, we do need more people to reach a critical threshold of market self-sustainability.

Critics of “We Need New People”

