NFTs, Ethereum, Ethscriptions

Can You Switch an ERC721 NFT Drop to an Ethscriptions Drop — e.g., If Your ERC721 Did Not Sell Out?

Just some random thoughts for any frustrated ERC721 founders.

Created using Midjourney. Prompt was “an illustration of a very frustrated cartoonist at work.”

Okay, here’s a situation: You had an ERC721 NFT project, but it only sold 50 or 100 or 200 (or whatever) NFTs out of the 10,000 planned. You’re feeling stuck because you just don’t have the marketing reach to get the project moving as it is now.

A few founders in this situation have asked me lately whether moving to the Ethscriptions ecosystem might be a viable idea to salvage a project. So let’s look at this!

First, one of the reasons such a move could work is that, because Ethscriptions are so new, the community is smaller and it’s thus somewhat easier to get the attention of those you’ll want to know about your project. Also, there are simply fewer new projects in this ecosystem (currently) and so it’s a little easier to stand out.

That all said, while a few projects have gone on to floors above, say, 0.02 ETH or so, pretty much ALL of them (currently, to date) have been minting out at less than 0.01 ETH. I’ve personally minted many at around 0.003, 0.004, etc.

And so if you were planning an ERC721 drop of 10,000 NFTs at, say, 0.07, that…

