NFT Collecting and Investing

Crypto Mo’s — The Mustachioed Art Patron’s Generative NFT Set

Presale February 2, 2022 / Public Sale to Follow

For those living outside Australia, the term “Mo” may call different things to mind, among them the terms money order or modus operandi, the abbreviation for month or Missouri or, if you’re British, it might be a short word for moment. But, browsing through the set of images from the Crypto Mo Art Appreciation Society, it becomes crystal clear, even for non-Australians, what a “Mo” is.

Yet somehow, I suspect, a “Mo” is more than just a moustache. Maybe it’s a statement, much in the same way that art itself — and certainly NFTs — can capture something in a special way and present it to the world for consideration.

When I read that “Crypto Mo’s are 10,000 randomly assembled art patrons of the blockchain,” I have to admit that my head began to spin. Are the NFTs representative of art patrons, or will the NFT holders be the patrons? Or could both things be true?! Are these insanely unique (650 traits!) NFTs themselves viewing artwork, or are they viewing the viewer? And what do they think … of you?! The whole thing is a mind-bending, mo-twisting concept, when you really ponder it.

