Embrace Your Business Uniqueness! Your Web Server Can Run Your Entire Business The Way You Want It To

Photo adapted from “Unique” by Ross Griff (Flickr, Creative Commons).

One of the things I notice with clients is that, no matter what industry they’re a part of, there are usually desktop or web-based software solutions available that are (1) specific to the client’s industry, and/or (2) otherwise desirable even though they cater to a more broad range of industries.

  • Specific Industry Example: a software suite to help realtors manage properties for sale — very industry and process-specific stuff there.
  • Broad-Ranging Example: a CRM system that is ostensibly applicable to any business model. And why not? All businesses need to manage customer data somehow.

Commonly, though, no matter what solutions have been implemented, companies often find themselves incompletely satisfied by either end of the above spectrum.

Problems with Industry-Specific Solutions

Getting an industry-specific software package is great, and is usually a good way’s toward what would be absolutely ideal in terms of a software suite to move forward with. But, as each business is unique in its practices and preferences, you may not find an *exact* fit for your purposes and processes.

