NFTs, Free Mints, Web3 Greeting Cards
Free NFTs for the Lunar New Year from, a New Web3 Greeting Card Company
A freebie (free + gas, through the lunar new year and while supplies last) for the new year, and for checking out!
As you may recall, I’m no stranger to freemint projects. Even though it was last year and my LoopieLoo doggos didn’t exactly take the NFT space by storm, I still love all 9,663 of them, and am happy that they minted out to 755 NFT frens. Who knows … maybe someday they’ll become much more actively collected.
But, you know, you learn from projects like that. I’d posted numerous such lessons learned from my Loopies free mint (that article is here). And one of those lessons related to wallet limits. So, for THIS new freemint, which is offered for the dual purposes of (1) celebratng the Chinese New Year and (2) helping introduce NFT people to, we set the wallet limit at one, as we want as many people as possible to benefit.
So, you can go in there and either (1) mint one to your own wallet for free, or (2) pop in a friend’s wallet and have the NFT sent to them, also for free (plus gas, which should be about $3 or $4). After that, no more rabbits for you! (lol, well, no more for that wallet, anyway.)