NFTs, Generative NFTs, Art Coding

Generative NFT Sets Usually Include *Super-Rare* 1/1s. Let’s Talk About Those Particular NFTs

How many to include, what they should look like, and how to do them.

A pic of the most-rare Yakuza Cats Society NFTs.

So far, I’ve had the good fortune to do the art programming for almost 20 generative NFT drops. About half of them are launched (many sold out!) and many are in development still. (Three of them are in-house projects that keep getting pushed back because of our work with outside clients. But we’ll get those going at some point!)

Basic Background: General Rarity

One thing that ALL of these, and almost all other generative sets out there, share in common is that they all follow what’s emerged as a fairly standard adherence to rarity rules. Hopefully, you’ve read my articles on how to setup rarity tables. (If not, start here, and then read this one.)

Basically, rarity works like this: Out of your 200, 300, 400 (or whatever) traits, all of them have a distribution percentage attached, which governs the percent of time that those traits are chosen and appear in the NFT. So, if your “red” shirt is set to a 10% rarity, then you can expect to see somewhere close to 1,000 red shirts appearing within your 10,000 generated NFTs.

