NFTs, GenerativeNFTs (company), Web3

GenerativeNFTs Changes Slogan to “Web3 Tech and Strategy Experts”

After 20+ ETH drops, it was well past time for this update. :-)

Our updated logo, with our new simplified slogan.

After generating 200,000 NFTs via 20+ Ethereum generative drops, I’m surprised it took us so long to implement a much-needed update to our corporate logo. But, I wanted to talk about this here because it’s important for me to state our intentions regarding our role in both the past and in the continued development of the web3 and NFT space.

When we first started out, we had some early success (like many others in the then-tiny web3 dev community). I’ve got to be 100% honest with you: In my entire career — and, I’m a GenXer, so I’ve got some years on many in the web3 space — I’d never seen or experienced anything like what happened when NFTs first blew up. (And, as exciting as web3 can still be, it still doesn’t compare to mid-2021. I doubt it ever will.)

The whole turn of events was surreal. I always said I was like some random guy out in the ocean innocently paddling around on a surfboard with almost no one else around — maybe just a tiny handful of other curious devs and assorted geeks — and then a tsunami swept through. I went from a random web developer just screwing around with cat pictures in my spare time to someone getting 50+ desperate calls per day for web3 help. Not just randos, either — I’m talking about calls from presidents of companies worldwide, A-list celebrity reps, chief owners of crypto coins, you name it.

And so yeah, that first time came soon after — the first big score, which was for us the two main Superfuzz drops (one of which is shown above). It was the first time we ever saw the whole phenomenon play out as it really could (and also the first time we had a small piece of the action, as well). After a whole hell of a lot of prep work, the end result for us personally was that we made more than a year’s salary in about 15 minutes. So yeah, my mind was permanently blown.

As good as we did there, I of course did the math for the rest of the team, and quickly realized that … damn, we’d literally helped turn some people into millionaires. And so we made that our slogan — “We help mint millionaires.” It’s been on our logo ever since, as shown:

And, while that’s all well and good (and 100% true in multiple cases of generative NFT drop owners worldwide), we never really had time or cause over the past year to revisit that slogan. It’s just simply been there by default for a whole year.

But what that slogan clearly omits — and thankfully this is something we’ve been super serious about since day one here — is that there’s much, much more to generative NFT drops than the revenues. We’ve always told founders that, yes, you may well raise millions of dollars, but with that comes considerable responsibility. You’re really, after all, funding projects for which you’re to be stewards for years to come (and so you should have a roadmap outlining everything you plan to do). And furthermore, these projects bring together complex communities of fans, investors, collectors, and so on.

We wanted to be around for the long-haul, and to do everything properly. And so we vetted projects thoroughly (and still do). To be frank, we left a ton of money on the table (in 2021 especially) because we were looking long-term, and we didn’t want to be associated with any rugs or cash-grabs. (And we’ve been approached a zillion times for no-roadmap, cash-grabby projects that we outright refused to entertain. My god, if it weren’t for NDAs, the stories I could tell!) But that’s also why, anytime I’d ever write about the financial side of this business, I’d always try to stress the project and community aspects. For example:

As stated, our goal was to be around long-term serving the web3 community — not to just make quick scores and get out. So we’re still super proud of all of our projects, past and present.

We took some punches along the way, for sure— got rugged once very early on, got gaslit by rogue devs, and god knows learned some tough lessons on practical matters like tax planning in the crypto space. But we used all of those negative experiences as learning experiences and opportunities for refinement, course-correction, and growth. (And I’ve shared, and continue to share, tons and tons of knowledge for the community!)

But yeah, we really wanted to update and simplify that slogan — nothing terribly fancy or advertising-ish. Just the facts. So, we boiled it down to “Web3 Tech & Strategy Experts.” Succinct, spot-on, and less solely focused on the revenue side of web3 projects.

We didn’t change the cat, of course. It all started with cats, and as far as I’m concerned, good cat NFTs will always be better than apes.

Jim Dee is a prolific writer, developer, and multi-media creator from Portland. You can find him, his businesses, his books, and more at Thanks for reading! Cat image here courtesy of Midjourney AI.

