NFTs, Crypto

Getting AR Tokens as a U.S. Citizen: Preparation for a Look at Arweave for NFT Image / Metadata Storage

I’m currently testing Arweave for long-term NFT image and metadata storage, as I’m on record as not being a fan of so-called “decentralized” IPFS storage solutions that ultimately depend on monthly subscriptions.

I’m currently doing some tests with Arweave for NFT image and metadata storage, and thought I’d start by documenting how to get hold of AR tokens (needed to use Arweave), as the process is not at all intuitive, well documented, or straightforward if you’re US-based.

I’m actually on day two of trying, as I went through some crazy adventures with Binance (was denied access b/c I’m from the US), (same, denied), Coinbase (AR not supported, even though Coinbase is listed as an Arweave partner), and others. I do think this is kind of funny, though — that Arweave lists Coinbase (Ventures) as a partner, and yet Coinbase doesn’t sell AR tokens. Must be a loveless “marriage” or something — no idea.

“We’re partners, but within limits.” I guess Arweave got friendzoned here. lol.

Begin with a Wallet to Hold AR Tokens

