Generative NFTs, Programming

How (and Why) I Built a Name Generator for My LoopieLoo Generative NFT Set

Simple and fun to code, and stands out among NFT sets.

Screen shot from The Loopies.

To be brutally honest, I’ve always been disappointed in the state of metadata in the NFT world. Most sets are so focused on the artwork (and everything else, understandably) that they don’t put much effort into making their metadata anything more than filterable traits. But, there’s just SO much interesting stuff that can be done there. (See OpenSea’s metadata standards, for a great starting point.)

Not all sets ignore this, of course. For example, the recent free-mint set StrayDogz actually put great effort into adding randomly generated “levels” for their dogs. Down below the normal trait metadata, this can be seen, like so:

When you look at the StrayDogz set overall, they just did an excellent job with almost every aspect of their drop. I’m actually surprised that the set still has a sub 0.01 ETH floor. But, then again, influencers and whales are usually the ultimate decisionmakers in this space. You can have a perfectly executed set that doesn’t get adopted by influencers…

