NFTs, NFT Teams, PFP Marketing

How Much of Your Generative NFT PFP Drop Should You Show Prior to the Drop?

Hiding too many versus showing too many. Strategies and considerations.

Photo by Mikhail Vasilyev on Unsplash

When you’re planning a 10k generative NFT PFP drop, one of the marketing considerations that a lot of people don’t talk too much about is this: Just how many of the generative samples should you show on the web site prior to launch?

It seems like such a trivial issue, but I think there’s a strategy to this if done well. Here are some reasons why:

  • Showcase the art. I think you want/need to showcase the artwork, in most cases. Maybe that’s not 100% true on low-effort meme-type drops, or pixelated punk-style drops. But, on the whole, if you’re doing a normal PFP project that aims to feature decent artwork, you’ll want to SHOW said artwork to help sell the project. And so, on that front, you may naturally want to show a LOT of it.
  • But save some surprises. While you want to show off the art, I think it’s also good to NOT show too much. For example, you may want to review your planned samples and make sure that they’re not revealing any of the rarest traits right off the bat. In fact, one might argue that it’s best to hold back on quite a lot of traits, leaving many wonderful surprises to the minters…

