NFTs for the Hit of Today and Yesterday

How Musicians with Hit Tunes from Any Era Can Cash In on NFTs

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are hot, and may well prove lucrative for anyone with a measure of cultural notoriety. Here’s a hypothetical case study using an iconic pop hit as an example.

Photo by Rachel Coyne on Unsplash

As of this writing, the percentage of people who’ve heard of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) remains fairly small. The percentage of those who conceptually understand them is even smaller. And the percentage of those actually creating (“minting”) and selling them remains smaller still. (And let’s not even get to the coding level, as crypto-programmers represent an even rarer breed.)

But, awareness and adoption is growing rapidly on all fronts. For a general background on NFTs (and profiting from them), I recommend reading my “White Paper on Nonprofit / Public Sector Fundraising via Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).” That piece covers the basics — the gist of which is that an NFT is simply a digital asset.

NFTs Were Meant for Artists

Photo by RhondaK Native Florida Folk Artist on Unsplash

Another salient point in the aforementioned piece is that NFTs began as a…

