NFTs, Investing, Marketing

How Pepsi Can Make You (At Least) a Couple Grand in a Few Weeks — With Their “Mic Drop” NFT

Check out a chance for a FREE NFT MINT on December 10, 2021!

When we launched last summer, our vision was to become the premier go-to company for launching generative NFT sets. No one else was doing what we were back then and, really, that whole history is crazy. I like to tell people that we were just out paddling around in the ocean (think of just me screwing around with cat pictures), pretty much alone, when a giant tsunami rose up (the entire NFT industry) right there — and so we rode that wave. (I didn’t even have enough ETH to buy a freakin’ ape back then, but I saw that sale happening! Oh the regret! lol.)

A photo of me out in the NFT world, all by my lonesome, just screwing around with cat pictures, completely unaware of the massive trillion-dollar industry about to sweep through. (Okay, just kidding; this is actually a photo from Unsplash.)

But, the whole idea from the start (once we got rolling) was that, because NFTs were almost unheard of back then, and because we came to believe that NFTs would become massively huge and mainstream eventually, we should work hard to get on as many NFT drop teams / projects as possible because, when it all finally goes mainstream, the giant brands in the world would come knocking on our doors (because we…

