NFTs, Managing NFT Drop Teams

How to Ensure that You Receive NFT Sale Royalties on the New Coinbase NFT Marketplace

Coinbase is coming FAST; don’t miss out on royalties!

NOV 2022 UPDATE: Please note that, while the info below should still function, there have been major updates in the overall way that royalties work, especially with regard to the OpenSea marketplace (which is the largest one). So, once you’ve read this article, you should also read the one I’m linking to here:

GM, frens! So, you probably know that Coinbase’s new NFT market is in beta now, and will soon roll out publicly. For many existing NFT drop teams, one thing you definitely do NOT want to forget is to have your royalties setup. Coinbase’s user base is pretty huge, and expectations are optimistic that the company will shepherd many new NFT buyers into the metaverse.

Way back when, you pretty much only needed to set your royalties on OpenSea, as that’s where most of the action was. Then LooksRare came out, and you had to repeat your royalty setup there —…

