How to Safely Download and Cleanly Install FileZilla FTP Software (with no additional junk)

FileZilla is an immensely popular and safe FTP client. It allows you to (1) view the file structure of a web server (meaning, you will be able to see all of the files and folders on your web server, just as though you were looking at your own hard drive). You can also, of course, (2) drag and drop files both ways (from your machine to your web server or vice-versa). It’s immensely handy for everyday tasks such as moving large numbers of files (e.g., images, PDFs, etc.) onto your server for use on your web site.

The software is open-source, but I recommend caution when installing it because, at leat in the past, the installers have been known to also allow options for installing other software, which can be annoying. So, here’s how to get a clean install (at least as of April 19, 2019, when this is being written):

Step One: Go to the Official Site

For our purposes here, I’m using the Google Chrome browser, and I recommend doing so as well if you’re following this, as some items here may be Chrome-only behavior. FileZilla is currently hosted at:

Step Two: Download the Software

