NFTs, Glitch Art, Cards, Gambling, Gaming

Imagine Sending 0.129 ETH (~$200 USD) Directly to 500+ Holders of an NFT Community (Details Here!)

Welcome to my post about my new generative animated glitch-art project — 8,100 unique, custom-coded glitch cards for your viewing displeasure. Marketing-wise, I’ve adopted a unique approach of adding massive value to a favorite NFT community. (I wonder if others will emulate this crazy move ?!) Read on for full details or mint now at

Preview from the upcoming set!!!

🚨🚨🚨FINAL UPDATE, JAN. 9, 2024: Well, frens, I really did TRY to get some traction with this project. I reached out to everyone I knew, respected, and/or thought was someone of influence. IDK … it was just too tough to get in touch with anyone, and I got zero response to my revenue-share proposal (where influencers could earn by sharing — which is a concept that I’ve seen other NFT companies emulate since putting this out, interestingly). Of the many dozens of promoters who contacted me, none would take a chance at earning via results. (They all wanted $$$ up front.) But anyway… it just didn’t ever take off!

AND SO… now that about a year has gone by without any paid mints(!), I’ve decided that I’m going to do the following with this project:

  • First, as promised, I’m going to send

