NFTs, NFT Marketing, Strategy

Looking at the “Holding Back” Inventory Strategy for NFT Drops

A follow-up to my piece on the Valhalla drop.

Photo by Ashin K Suresh on Unsplash

A few months back, I put out a piece on reserved NFTs. And by that I meant holding back a portion of NFTs from the general mint for later use (marketing promos and the like). You can find that article here:

That all said, I didn’t cover some additional expansions of that idea. I was reminded of this after publishing my piece the other day on the Valhalla drop, which I still find rather fascinating (and which I was a tad critical of) for various reasons.

At the time, my understanding was that Valhalla’s supply was 9,000 tokens. But I’ve since read that their supply is actually 10,000. The final 1,000, I’ve read, has been held back and will be auctioned off separately.

This is an interesting strategy — one I’d not encountered before. It’s different from the reasons I’d mentioned in that article above about reserved NFTs, as that article mentioned various specific uses for the…

