NFTs, Marketing

Marketing Tweets using /REACH — Experimenting With a Platform That Helps Creators “Reach” Audiences

Here’s how it’s done, how much it costs, and how it performed.

A screen-grab of /REACH’s home page. I’m not affiliated with /REACH, btw. I’m just trying to largely explain how it works, as I found it intriguing and yet not well documented at all.

Okay, so what is /REACH? Yeah, I was wondering the same thing when I saw a post from influencer Adam Hollander on Twitter. I found it intriguing, as it seemed to be some type of service to reach a wider audience in the NFT space (and/or other areas like defi, art, gaming, tech, and news). And yet, when I looked into it, it just wasn’t super clear what /REACH is or does.

But, BASICALLY, what it is, is this: It’s a service that does something somewhere between (1) getting a lot of attention and interactivity (likes, retweets, and comments) on specific Tweets, and (2) making specific Tweets APPEAR to be much huger than they probably are.

I’m not 100% sure which is more accurate of a description, and it likely depends on the specifics of the Tweet you’re looking to promote. But, one way or another, it’s about promoting Tweets.

So let’s start there. … Here’s how it works (and, this is going to be an approximation here, as I did it a few days back and was working out the details as I went without knowing almost anything about the service):

  • First you have to get your

