NFTs, NFT Marketplaces, Investing, Art, Film, Pop Culture

“Napoleon Dynamite” Actor Jon Heder Drops Generative NFT Set — Order of the Tigons — on Theta Drop

A look at the set, and an intro to Theta for those unfamiliar.

A selection of the grand Order of the Tigons, from the Order’s web site.

Up until now, I’ve mainly written about Ethereum-based generative NFT sets and the OpenSea marketplace. But recently, I got a call from a team asking if I’d like to do some generative art programming for an upcoming drop on the Theta Drop platform— the “Order of the Tigons.”

“What in the world is a Tigon?!” I thought to myself …

… followed quickly by “Wait, the theta blockchain?”

Welcome to the Thetaverse

Okay, that’s not really a word; I just made that up. But it’s funny because, when you’re working daily in the NFT space, you can develop a real tunnel-vision perspective, only paying attention to your home base (which for me has been the ETH blockchain). But, in the back of your mind, you’re always aware that the crypto metaverse is a constellation of large hubs floating out there like giant star clusters — Solana, Tezos, Polygon, Cardano, Theta, etc. And we’ll continue to see more of these independent chains and marketplaces emerge, of course.

