NFTs, Ethereum, Ethscriptions

Next Up: Nakamingos🦩 — A Flamingo-Centric Ethscriptions Derivative of the Popular Nakamigo NFT Set

Looking at another upcoming set — the first since the amazing ittybits drop.

A preview of some Nakamingos from the Nakamingos web site.

Did you by chance check out the ittybits mint after I made a big deal out of it in my previous article? If you did, you’d have witnessed perhaps one of the fastest sell-outs in NFT history. It was one heck of a mint, frens, powered by rising star Ethscriptions marketplace/launchpad Ordex.

Basically, that mint went like this: First up was the allow list, which minted 5,000+ (maybe 5,300-ish?) in the allotted hour limit. Then the public mint hit with the remaining 4700-ish left to mint. I’d already max minted my allow-list allotment (15) and hadn’t pulled any rares, so I casually geared up to public mint some more … and bam!, it was all gone in under 10 seconds.

So yeah, I do feel like there’s something to Ethscriptions lately, as I’ve been blathering about on these vitual pages lately. They’re basically Ethereum NFTs, just orchestrated a little differently (no smart contracts, for one).

In the end, though, I’m not sure anyone’s going to mind the differences from their ERC721 cousins. After all, NFTs are NFTs … and degens are gonna degen.

