NFTs, Employment, Job Market

NFT People and Web3 Devs Should Be Especially Careful When Applying for Jobs

… because job listings could be vectors for social engineering scams.

Are you applying for an actual job, or just interacting with a scammer working out of some basement? In this scenario, the above illustration is the scammer, not you, lol…

So, I’ll tell you an interesting tale from this week for me, and you can decide if I was right or wrong in responding how I did. I came across a job listing in the NFT space. I’m not going to provide many detils here, nor will I name the employer. But at first blush, it seemed legit, if perhaps a bit strange in some of the terminology used. I chalked that up to the fact that perhaps this was a non-US company using some non-standard wording. But on the whole, the job certainly seemed interesting.

So, I sent them an inquiry along with a resume, as I was curious to learn more.

A few days later, I got a response asking me to fill out an application. It contained a link to a .gle domain, which is affiliated with Google, and indeed it linked to a Google form. This in and of itself was a bit strange as I’d already sent them a resume. So, why would they need more info?

The form asked some basic info (which they should have had already, but whatever). But, specifically, it also asked for the following:

  • My Discord account
  • My Telegram account

