NFTs, Investing, Generative NFT Sets

Ready to Buy Into the Bored Ape Franchise? Look Beyond Trait Rarity to Aesthetics and Branding for Value

Additional opportunities when spending boucoup bucks.

A peek at some of the highest-selling Bored Ape Kennel Club NFTs, which we’ll be focusing on below.

So, I’ve been writing obsessively about my work in the generative NFT space for ages now — so long that I can actually remember the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) mint. I can remember thinking to myself that, while it was tempting, I literally didn’t have a few hundred extra dollars to invest in it. I had maybe $500 in ETH at the time. And, truth be told, almost no one was thinking of NFTs in terms of “investments” back then; they were more like fun and interesting crypto-tech activities.

The BAYC minted on April 23, 2021 — just nine months ago as of this writing. And that was just one month after what was, for me, the beginning of my NFT obsession — the $69 million Beeple sale.

Along with everyone else, I watched, stunned, as the BAYC franchise NFTs rose steadily in value ever since. And lately, it’s truly gone bananas with a 100+ ETH floor on the main set. I mean, sure, ETH is down a bit, but 100 ETH is a milestone! As of this writing, the floor price is 115 ETH, which is over $289,000. And there are 10,000 of them, and there are only TWO available, at the moment, at the 115 ETH…

