Riding Along for an NFT Drop with the Rebel Kids Familiars (Which Sold Out!)

A look at how a successful mint-on-demand NFT UX works.

NOTE: I am not affiliated with the Rebel Kids project. I’m just using them as an example to write about. But, I do love their project! (And, as it sold out today, I definitely picked a winner to examine.)

Not only do I help clients with generative art NFT projects, but I’m also an aspiring NFT collector, trader, investor, and fanatic. So, I like to keep my eye on upcoming projects. One that caught my eye in particular lately was the Rebel Kids. From great art, to a great roadmap, to great marketing, they seem to have the recipe for a successful project.

As it happens, I’m currently involved in numerous generative NFT projects, many of which are interested in the “mint on demand” model. Basically, generative NFT projects have three options for handling minting and listing for sale:

  1. They take the generated works and upload them manually one at a time to an collection on an NFT platform like OpenSea.
  2. They attempt to automate the task somehow, through a bot or a macro.
  3. They handle it programmatically through SDKs, smart contracts, and other more complicated means.

