So You Want to Accept Cryptocurrency on Your Web Site! Let’s Conquer the Hurdles

Photo credit: “60m Hurdles” by Grzegorz Jereczek, (Flickr, Creative Commons).

After the meteoric rise of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency values in late 2017, many web site owners are now asking whether it’s a good idea to integrate cryptocurrency into their web sites for purchases and/or donations.

While there are tons and tons of web articles about cryptocurrency in general these days (many focused on investing), there aren’t many written from a web developer’s perspective. So, let’s take a look at this phenomenon and see if it makes sense for your web site at this time.

Account Setup and Corporate Bureaucracy

The first barrier to all of this is that, in order to accept crypto, you need to be able to receive it and store it — and you probably also would want to be able to transfer it and/or liquidate and withdraw it. For smaller companies, this is a fairly easy task that can be handled in a few ways by a trusted stakeholder. An easy option is using a giant site like

Coinbase is pretty much the standard site where you’re going to want to sign up, no matter who you are, if you’re in the U.S and want to experiment with crypto — specifically, Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), and Litecoin (LTC). → → Here is a link to get you started. ← ← And, although…

