NFTs, Generative Art

The Trouble with Overlapping Traits in Generative NFT Programming

A little advice to keep your NFT project clean and tidy.

Photo by Manja Vitolic on Unsplash

One of the challenges I see in generative NFT projects quite commonly is something like this (and you’ll soon see why I’m a programmer and not an NFT artist!)

Okay, you have your BASE CHARACTER layer, like so:

And now you want to give him/her some eyes. Maybe you have all kinds of expressions as traits — angry, sad, happy, etc. For my purposes here, let’s just use some color. Say red or green. So, here is the cat with these two traits:

Cat with RED eyes:


Cat with GREEN eyes:

EYES: Green

And so on. Maybe you have 20 different eyes like that. Let’s move on.

