NFTs, NFT Teams, NFT Projects

Thinking Long-Term When It Comes to NFT Project Airdrops for Holders; Building Sustainable NFT Projects

Thoughts on the “explosive” growth of many NFT drops. Is it sustainable? Photo by Jonas Frey on Unsplash

It’s tough to believe that it was barely one year ago when the Bored Apes launched (and took a solid week to sell out), effectively kicking off a generative NFT craze that is still ongoing and shows no signs of stopping. If anything, any slow-downs only happen because of larger crypto market issues (like the down-market we’re currently experiencing).

During that year, many thousands of generative PFP projects launched, and everyone scrambled to try to provide value to their holder-investors. One primary way this was done was via free mints and/or airdrops. Either way, what we’re looking at here are expansions. I often like to use the Bored Apes as examples for things in these articles, as they’re the leading set out there. So, let’s look at how the franchise expanded:

BAYC First Expansion

Expansion 1: Doggos
  • Franchise size at launch: 10,000 generative NFTs as of May 2021.
  • Franchise size after initial expansion: 20,000 NFTs.

