NFTs, Ethscriptions, Ethereum

Thoughts on Inscribing HTML for High-Res Ethscriptions (or Ordinals) with Ultra-Low Gas

Looking at simple minification for big gas savings!

As you may have read in a previous article, Ethscriptions are good for not only 100% on-chain images (usually pixelated art with small file sizes), but also for referencing any images, including high-res imagery stored on the permaweb, such as images using Arweave.

I find this rather fascinating because if we can use a small Ethscription to tokenize high-res imagery, then that makes NFT creation extremely affordable — more than ever, really.

In case you’re wondering why anyone would use HTML instead of putting a high-res image on-chain, it’s simple: (1) the gas would be outrageously expensive for a high-res file, and (2) there are practical limits to the size of the data you can store using this method. So, HTML is a great solution here.

For example, this dog:

Pretty cool doggo, no? The actual link to this dog in the Arweave ecosystem is: So, this is what we want our HTML to point to. Let’s see how below…

This is a mutt from Richie’s Mutts collection. Clearly this file is too large and high-res to Ethscribe as an image. So, to Ethscribe this as a…

