Thoughts on NFT Marketing (and Why It’s Easier for Generative and/or Larger Sets / Collections)

Photo by Arno Senoner on Unsplash

[2022 UPDATE: As noted in placed below, marketing NFT sets has changed a lot since 2021 when I wrote this article. I should probably do an entire 2022 guide to NFT marketing. That said, I’m leaving this article posted as it probably has a few decent ideas.]

If you’ve been following my writings on Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and especially generative NFT programming, you’ll be familiar already with my fascination regarding the production side of NFTs. I feel like, at least as far as programmatically generating huge sets of NFTs goes, I have a fine handle on that.

But there’s so much more to the NFT game. I get asked all the time about aspects of it that I just do not know (well, at least yet). For example, as of this writing, I’m not experienced with coding smart contracts or, say, the OpenSea SDK end of things. DAOs is another giant area I really really need to dive into as soon as I can!

But today I want to talk about marketing because, just like anything, NFTs aren’t just a “build it and they will come” scene. Even for anyone who’s gone viral lately, there was surely at least some level of marketing that happened. Though, of course, some NFT makers get luckier than others. If the right influential person sees your NFTs and likes…

