When You’re Too Busy to Make Content, But You’re Also the Only One Who Knows Your Business

A look into a conundrum faced by many small business owners and also those who tend to micromanage.

Why I chose this photo: Because this business woman is shown alone. Photo by Keren Levand on Unsplash

As far as I’m concerned, as a long-term web development and marketing professional, there are just a few broad aspects of search engine optimization (SEO). There is (1) your web site’s infrastructure, (2) your content (which may be on-site or off-site), and (3) how you distribute that content.

I do a lot of SEO work here at Array. Typically, a client will initially have some sort of vague idea about SEO. Often, there will be a belief that the web site itself just needs some new code installed (whatever that means) — a quick, one-time adjustment , and then their Google rankings will somehow improve.

So, we go through an education phase, whereby I’ll explain that, yes, infrastructure matters and, yes, we can indeed do some things on the web site to help a little. But that’s not going to be the magic that gets the client the significant ranking improvement they’re after.

For that, I tell them, you need content. Quality, on-point, consistent, key-word / key-phrase-loaded content.

Clients don’t like to hear this, though. And I think the main reason is this: If it…

