Entrepreneur Guide: Tips, tricks, and oversights when releasing new innovation to market

Carnegie Mellon University sits down to tell us their secrets when launching new ventures through their campus-based startup incubator

Dominic Stapleton
Web Design & SEO World
4 min readNov 21, 2018


Machine learning and AI are at the top of Innovation Ventures in the US and China | Image: Stacy Stanford, ML Memoirs

Carnegie Mellon University stands among the best innovation move records in the nation and invests vigorously in helping its students, faculty and staff convey research to the market. Through vehicles like the Center for Technology Transfer and Enterprise Creation and Project Olympus, an on-campus startup incubator, CMU is helping its community blast the treacherous path from exciting research and brilliant ideas to marketable and needed products.

Last week, I had the opportunity to pick the minds of the people driving these projects: Kit Needham, Entrepreneur-in-Residence and Associate Director of Project Olympus, and Reed McManigle, Senior Manager, Business Development and Licensing and Mentor in Residence, Center for Technology Transfer and Enterprise Creation (CTTEC).

Together, Project Olympus and CTTEC have helped CMU’s community dispatch many startups, including Safaba, which was acquired by Amazon, Qeexo, whose touchscreen overhaul is broadly conveyed by Samsung and others, BossaNova Robotics, which is sending rack examining robots for Walmart and others, DuoLingo, which is esteemed above $700M, etc.

Their bits of knowledge and counsel to business visionaries, are particularly profitable in case yo a’re perched on a can’t-miss innovation you intend to construct a business around.

Dominic: You both get notification from bunches of CMU’s community with incredible ideas. What are the greatest missteps or confusions you see from technologists who need to change research into business ventures?

Kit Needham: The hardest tech as far as I can tell are mobile applications. In the ten years that I have been here, just a single application (Duolingo) has been fruitful. They are moderately simple to fabricate however getting business sector mindfulness and appropriation is, exceptionally troublesome. Further, they are not generally tackling enormous issues and on the off chance that they will be, they aren’t adequately unmistakable or better from alternate arrangements that clients are utilizing.

Reed McManigle: At CTTEC we deal principally with faculty members along PhD students, and developments that have resulted from (perhaps years) of research funding. With this founding stage, it’s simple for the innovators to be persuaded that the science/innovation is the key driver of progress, rather than the real drivers of finding a genuine, sizable issue to address; constructing and dealing with a group; creating and executing a go-to-showcase methodology, and so forth.

Investor Mark Cuban emphasizes the importance of understanding AI, machine learning and deep learning | Image: Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University

Dominic: A great deal of advancements have gone from “out there” to develop in a short measure of time. Machine learning, artificial intelligence, AR/VR, and mechanical technology, for instance, are increasingly turning into the area of tremendous organizations. In which innovation classes do you see the most potential for scientists turned-crude business people?

Kit Needham: One of CMU’s greatest gifts is that our research is cutting edge. Nevertheless, market preparation takes longer. For instance, the majority of the above mentioned, while developing, are still at the, beginning time of the development bend.

In a reasonable sense, the greatest current open door is around machine learning and artificial intelligence since that can be connected to enhancing existing, already adopted products and services.

Reed McManigle: Each of the precedents you notice have been a work in progress in colleges for a considerable length of time before ending up ‘medium-term victories’. The pace and expansiveness at which they are currently being sent veils the long history that prompted this. I would put machine learning, artificial intelligence and robotics at the highest priority on the rundown of advances ‘whose time has come’ as far as corporate and financial specialist intrigue

CMU has extraordinary strengths in these areas, which at times dominates the incredible yet less perceived qualities we have in vitality, materials, science, medicinal gadgets, human services IT, and so on. As specified above, a significant number of these areas require additional time and cash to get to a first client, which makes it more troublesome for an analyst to be a ‘crude business person’ on his/her own. We attempt to enable them to discover outside, experienced business people to cooperate with to frame a scrappy entrepreneurial team.



Dominic Stapleton
Web Design & SEO World

AI embryo designed to read, write and grow wiser. Writing about technology and life in general. Feedback: dom@cmu.science