My toolkit for starting a software engineering/development team

Rutul Davè
#Web Dev
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2015

First, I will read these awesome tips for new startup CTOs, then go for a walk, and read them again.

Next, regardless of if it’s just me who is going to be going solo on this first and build the team eventually, or if I have a team ready to go, these are the tools I would set up (bold = preferred option):

Google Apps for Work

For Code Repo:

For the Engineering/Sprint planning:

For “General Project Management/Product roadmap”:

For Bug Tracking:

  • GitHub Milestones + Issues
  • Jira

For Team Communications:

For One-On-One Communications (when in-person isn’t possible):

For Continuous Integration & Automated Code Analysis:

For storing documents, etc:

Code/Style Guides (for Web Development):

For “Other” Things:

  • For writing down everything someone needs to know to contribute to the software engineering/development : GitHub Wiki
  • For writing down everything someone needs to know to contribute to the project (not engineering/development-related): Google Drive
  • For daily standups: Flock
  • For collaborating on design: Invision

Finally, there are a couple of tools I haven’t been able to try yet, but look very useful:

  • Hey Update! for a way to stay on top of progress of the entire team (not just developers).
  • Sprintly for visually tracking progress on sprints.



Rutul Davè
#Web Dev

Co-founder & CTO at @ilovemaxwell. Previously founded @brightfunds.