Go Version manager — gobrew

Install and manage Go versions on Mac or Linux.

pulkit kathuria


gobrew. Image by Author.

In this story, I will share yet another Go version manager that I developed. The Go version manager’s name is gobrew which is inspired by nodebrew.

Frankly, there are a few version managers for Go already available on Github. Such as GVM and goenv.

2 problems with goenv that I faced while setting up, were 1) the multi steps setup process with commands such as shell rehash and 2) request a pull request whenever a new version of Go gets released. This makes it frustrating to wait for the Go version manager to get updated whenever there is a new release of Go.

The other issue with both GVM and goenv is that none of these managers are not written in Go. This is not really a negative thing, as it is the preference of the contributors and repository owner.

Intuitively, it is better to have a manager that is also written in Go. One of Go’s strongest points is that it produces binaries for multiple arcs. Mostly if a developer who is using a Go version manager already a Go developer or going to do some development on Go. With the version manager itself is written in another language such as C or shell script can be overwhelming.



pulkit kathuria

If it is on the internet already, I won’t write about it. Just sharing novel items that I discover during work and find worth sharing.