
See How You Can Choose the Best from Magento, osCommerce, Opencart 

Expedite Your E-Commerce

OSSMedia Ltd.
Web Development 
Published in
7 min readOct 19, 2013


Believe it or not, it is going to be tough for you to compare these open source web content management system. Technically, all of these systems are dedicated to create online shopping portals. With increasing percentage of online shopping, the selection of right web content management system is becoming more and more important. It is needful to understand that the adoption of a right technology will help you in developing a ROI increasing online shopping portal.


Magento is an open source web content management system. However, it is more like a rant to talk about the traditional aspects of this CMS tool. Therefore, we will talk about the statistics of this tool. As per the statistics, this open source tool has come in existence on August 31 2008 and earned several awards for bringing innovative e-commerce management features in online shopping industry. Within a short span of time, it made the eBay to acquire the enterprise version of Magento and include in eBay’s xCommerce initiative. The latest version of this tool, which is available as freebie is It is an innovative community of freelancing PHP developers, who are dedicated to bring excellent features in online shopping world. Currently, this CMS tool is being used in more than 130,922+ online shopping websites of the World. Unfortunately, Magento do not provide Statistics and Order Barcode features in its community edition. However, you can add these features by installing custom extensions in the online shopping site. The market share of this tool is 23% out of 100% and 55% Magento users use the CMS tool for developing online shopping site. On the other hand, 15% customers prefer to use Magento for creating business website.



It is a known website content management system, designed to create highly professional online shopping stores. In current scenario, this open source web CMS tool is being used in some about 95, 916+ thousand sites. This CMS tool come in existence on August 6 2011 and gathered a remarkable momentum in just a short period of about two years. The osCommerce has also earned the recognition of extremely innovative and customer driven e-commerce creation tool among e-commerce business owners. The latest version of this CMS tool is 3.0.2, which is also available as community edition for the users. It does not support few factors like multi-store creation, HTML5 Image uploader, Import/export, creation of coupons, discount, email templates, and product image zoom-in features. These features are not available in the free edition. Therefore, you will need to add few custom extensions in your website to add these features. This CMS tool is based on PHP, which allows you to create extensions as per the distinguish objects. If you will look at the major application of the tool then you will see that 63% of total users of this tool are using it for sustaining their online shopping sites. On the other hand, the overall market capitalization of this CMS tool is 8% that is much lesser than Magento.



Released on April 18 2010, the OpenCart has gathered a remarkable momentum. There are dozens of open source online shopping dedicated web content management systems but Opencart has emerged as the most high-end CMS tool. Some about 99, 153 thousands websites are using website for having payment gateway settings in their website. It is known for providing ultimate features to the vendor like multi store creation, cross selling, product comparison, wish list, and product reviews. Apart from these features, it also provides import/export, coupons, discounts, newsletters, Email templates, and Multi currencies. However, you will not get product zoom-in feature, order barcode, statistics, HTML5 image uploader, mobile site feature. Though, you can get all these features by creating custom extensions for your website.

It is easy to find out the most resourceful open source web content management system from out of these three options. It is clear that Magento wins the race with big margins. The market share of Magento and rest of the two CMS tools makes big difference. Statistically, Magento scores 23% of shares of total open source e-commerce CMS tools industry, whereas osCommerce and OpenCart scores 8% & 6% consecutively. Therefore, the dominance of Magento is clear. You should try to approach Magento development company to hire Magento programmers to create your e-commerce website. The application of Magento will certainly give a right start to your e-commerce development business. Therefore, you should go with Magento for creation of an excellent e-commerce store.

Expedite Your E-Commerce Business with Customization

Someone has truly said that business transforms itself from one way to other in an enigmatic way. One with superficial knowledge of business cannot understand the tempo and velocity of transformation. The evolution of cyber technologies and e-commerce business are the examples of such high-definition transition in business. Nowadays, every business organization is running after the prestigious software vendors for developing their e-commerce websites because e-commerce business is in trend. They have the willingness to pay millions to plunge in the ocean of e-commerce but they do not seem interested in learning this model of business. In case, you are also in the same race of developing your e-commerce store with enterprise software then you should stop for a while. You should think about your vision of creating a website using open source technologies. You should define your targeted customers, their demographics. You should also think about the way of keeping your e-commerce store unique.

In this way, you can use Magento. It is an open source web content management system. You just need to understand the virtues of this open source system to increase the potential of your website.

Get Your Coder

The first ever step towards the creation of your website should be the hiring of your coder. The selection of a right coder decides the fate of your e-commerce website. The right developer can induce years of experience and passion in the proper development of your site. Therefore, you should give required importance to the association of an experienced Magento Development company. It will be a relief for your business organization because a responsible coding partner will take care of concurrent e-commerce business related needs of your website and include the same. Therefore, you should try to hire only experienced Magento Programmer. The association with an experienced one will help you in focusing on other aspects in a speedy manner.

Take Part in Custom Development

You will be aware of the fact that the community edition of Magento requires customization for special virtues. Therefore, you should realize the value of your website. It will be an additional virtue in your website if you will devote some of your extremely accommodated business hours in the customization of your online shopping store. Technically, you need to realize a fact that your e-commerce store should be highly interesting. It should have an easy user interface to let the customers shop at your store in an easy manner. Apart from customizing user interface, you should also derive custom front-end settings for your website. It will make your store engaging. Additionally, you should also consider installing few back-end plugins to increase the loading speed and search engine friendliness of your website. By solidifying your website’s back-end, you will be able to cater high volume customers at a single moment. Therefore, you should personally take interest in customizing the look & feel of your website.

Give Importance to Testing

After getting over from testing, you should move on to test every nook & corner of your website as per the established norms of cyber security. An e-commerce store involves the hard-earned money of its customers. Therefore, the payment transaction system should be fortified. The proper testing of your website will ensure the security from all possible threats of your website.

The customization and testing of your e-commerce store will be followed by social media integration. The social media integration will enhance the visibility of your site on popular social media portals like Facebook and Twitter. So, get ready to enjoy the flood of online buyers at your website.



OSSMedia Ltd.
Web Development 

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