Effective Web Design Tips To Boost Your Conversions in 2021

Lori Caricofe
Web Development company
4 min readDec 23, 2020

The companies which are into Ecommerce Web Development knows very well how important it is to attract the visitors and improve the conversion rate using latest technological trends in the market. Most of us generally focus on the inner parts of the website for boosting conversion and don’t spend much time and resources to improve the design aspects. In this article, I will be discussing about some of the most important web design tips to remain competitive and successful in 2021.

For the business which run websites, client conversion is one of their primary aim. Hence how to optimize and boost conversions is a significant area to be think upon for the success of the online website. Most of the web designers especially E-commerce web designers focus more on the inner part of the buying process which includes shopping process, sales process and checkout process and they often miss the important part of attracting visitors, engaging them and retaining them to take them to conversion process. To get successful results in these functions, website design is very important. Exploring website design can guide us to find how we can boost the conversion rate for the website users and clients. Let’s now discuss those web design tips to boost your conversion rate.

Take a Simplistic Approach in 2021

Although Magento Ecommerce Development bring forward a website which is high in features and simple in design and approach still you have to understand the simple approach principle more deeply. If you meet a true professional personality then you will notice how simple and humble they are in their approach whether it is language, tone, appearance and conversation. The same thing should be applied to your professional design of a website for your clients. You should follow the concept of minimalistic design for your website. Use only essential elements with simple design and enough white space to give best user experience. Hence it should be a flat design concept with a touch of Material Design. Here attractive means more functional and less fancy.

Design Your Website to Be Responsive

Billions of people are now using mobile devices and smartphones. Hence other than using desktop computers and laptops for shopping, large number of people now use their smartphones to do the online shopping. As all of the websites are still not responsive hence many of the customers find it difficult to do checkout and payment process through their mobile devices although they want to. You should not do this mistake and from very beginning make the design of your website to be fully responsive so that customers can use any type and size of device to access your website for online shopping. There is one more reason for responsive design which is that search engine like Google also now give higher rankings to responsive websites. Hence if design is done carefully using the latest UX design principles, it can definitely boost conversion rates on your website.

Speed up the Loading Time of your Website

You should tell your Web Development Company in beginning itself that you need a fast loading website whatever they do. Although there are many performance optimization techniques which drastically reduce the page loading time still website visitors are becoming more and more impatient and ready to leave the site even if a delay of few seconds occurs in loading the website. There are many ways to indicate that loading is taking place like running loading animation, loading progress bar, loading icon and skeleton screen loading. Whatever way you do but make sure that you use proper notification when website is loading and make every effort to reduce the loading time of the site if you really want to win big in optimizing the conversion rate in 2021.

Use Chatbot to Help Potential Customers in 2021

When visitors explore your website, many times they need some help to get some information or answer to their questions. Many websites use multiple ways of contacting the website owner or support team like phone call, email, instant message, live chat etc. Among these live chat is one of the best and quick way to interact with the visitor. Good thing is that, with the integration of Artificial Intelligence, live chat behave like humans and automatically answer the most of the questions without any need of human support staff. Ultimately it reduces the work load on the support team and also improves the customer satisfaction levels. Hence you should use the latest Chatbot to provide overall satisfaction and to boost conversion rates in 2021 and beyond.


Many of the businesses and website owners spend lots of money in marketing and in bringing visitors to their site but very few actually do the engagement and retention of them through using latest and simple designing techniques. Hence not many customers go through the conversion funnel. If you are an innovative businessman and love the latest trends in the market then you should use the above discussed tips to boost the conversion rate of your website.



Lori Caricofe
Web Development company

Software tester by profession. Fast learner, Passionate about tech. Good sense of humour, & Enjoy challenges!